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来源: 更新时间:2022-06-29 08:35:56
The Beginning

  中山市入境人员防疫信息登记系统操作指引 r8E育儿早教网

  System Operation Instructionsr8E育儿早教网


  Operation consultation hotliner8E育儿早教网

  电话号码Phone number:+86-760-89980382r8E育儿早教网


  Record Registrationr8E育儿早教网

  步骤1:点击【备案登记】按钮(下图所示)进入入境人员信息【备案登记】栏目。Step One: Click the button of “Record registration” (as shown in the picture below) to enter the column of “Record registration” for people entering Zhongshan from overseas.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤2:入境人员信息【备案登记】栏目如下图所示,根据提示进行信息填写。Step Two: The column of “Record registration” for people entering Zhongshan from overseas is shown in the picture below. Fill in the information according to the reminder.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤3:确认信息无误后,点击最下方的【提交】按钮进行登记。Step Three: After confirming the information, click the “Submit” button at the bottom to register your record.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤4:登记成功后如下图所示,务必记录【备案登记受理号】。注意:如填写信息有错误或忘记【备案登记受理号】,请重新登记。Step Four: The successful registration is as shown in the following picture. Please make sure to mark down the “Record registration enrollment number”. Note: Please register again if there is any error in the information or you forgot the “Record registration enrollment number”.r8E育儿早教网


  Record Queryr8E育儿早教网

  步骤1:点击【备案查询】按钮(下图所示)进入入境人员信息【备案查询】栏目。Step One: Click the button of “Record query” (as shown in the picture below) to enter the column of “Record query” for people entering Zhongshan from overseas.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤2:【备案查询】栏目如下图所示,输入登记时填写的【姓名】和【备案登记受理号】。注意:【姓名】内容区分字母大小写和空格,必须和登记时一致;【备案登记受理号】要求是半角输入。Step Two: As shown in the following picture for record query, input the “Full English name on Chinese visa” and “Record registration enrollment number” you filled in during registration. Note: When input the “Full English name on Chinese visa”, please pay attention to the upper and lower case letters and spaces, the same as the one during registration. The “Record registration enrollment number” should be inputted with the half-width alphanumeric.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤3:【查询成功】显示如下图内容,确认信息是否正确。Step Three:The successful query is as shown in the following picture. Please confirm whether the information is correct.r8E育儿早教网

  步骤4:【查询无结果】显示如下图内容,说明登记没有成功,请点击【备案登记】重新登记。Step Four:“No record found” is as shown in the following picture, indicating that the registration was not successful. Please click the button of “Record registration” to register again.r8E育儿早教网


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